1st ACCEPTANCE. -Making any reservation implies acceptance of these general conditions.

Before arrival, the client will have to sign the digital rental contract and register guests online through the link that will be provided.

Once finished, the client will be provided with the information to collect the keys through an access code to a key box. For Check Out, please leave the keys in the same key box.

- Check In will take place from 3:00 p.m.

- Check Out will take place until 11:00 maximum

2nd DESTINATION OF THE PROPERTY. -The Property is rented exclusively for temporary stay use, other than housing. Failure by the Lessee to comply with the provisions of this Clause will give rise to the termination of the Contract by operation of law, without prejudice to the compensation for damages that may correspond to the Lessor.

3th FORM OF PAYMENT. – The method of payment for the reservation will be made according to what is established in the platform through which the client made the reservation.

For reservations made directly or through our website, there are two payment methods:

- PAYMENTS BY CARD: When making the reservation, the client must provide their credit card information. You will be sent a link with a secure payment gateway so you can pay 50% of the amount of your reservation. If payment is not received within a maximum period of 24 hours, your reservation will be automatically cancelled. Two weeks before your arrival, you will be sent a link again so you can pay the remaining 50%.

- PAYMENTS THROUGH CRYPTOCURRENCIES: Contact us VIA EMAIL to make your reservation and make payment through cryptocurrencies. Once the reservation dates have been formalized and approved, the customer will receive, after a few hours, a Coinbase Commerce link to their email through which they must make the payment of 100% of their reservation within a maximum period of 24 hours. in the selected cryptocurrency. We accept BTC, ETH, USD COIN and DAI.

4th DEPOSIT. - To respond for any deterioration or damage that the Property may suffer during the rental period and based on the reservation conditions established on the platform through which the client makes the reservation, the Lessee could withhold the indicated amount from the client. in it as a deposit. Said deposit will be retained in the event that its use is necessary, intended to cover the repairs of any deficiency, deterioration or damage that the Lessor may find in the property at the end of the contract, as well as the replacements of any furniture or belongings that lack or compliance with any other obligations assumed by the Lessee.

This amount will be refunded within a maximum period of 7 days after Check Out.

For reservations made directly or through our website, we detail the corresponding amounts to be charged as a “deposit” for the following homes:

- Amount of €300.00: VV-38-4-0088647, VV-38-4-0098840, A-38-4-0004925, A-38-4-0004921, A-38-4-0004922, A- 38-4-0004923, A-38-4-0004924, A-38-4-0004914, A-38-4-0004917, A-38-4-0004918, A-38-4-0004916, VV-38- 4-0098840 A-38-4-0004926.

- Amount of €2,000.00: VV-38-4-0088647.

5th CANCELLATION POLICY. - The cancellation policy established on the platform through which the client made the reservation will apply.

For reservations made directly or through our website, the cancellation policy is as follows:
To receive a full refund, guests must cancel at least 30 days before arrival.
If cancellation occurs between 7 and 30 days prior to arrival, they will receive 50% of your reservation.
If cancellation occurs less than 7 days prior to arrival, you will not receive any refund.

6th ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLEASING. - The Tenant may not sublease, in whole or in part, the Property or assign this Contract without the express written consent of the Landlord.

For its part, the Lessor may freely assign, totally or partially, the rights and obligations derived from it by virtue of this Contract, for which purposes the Lessee grants its express consent from now on.

7th OCCUPANTS. -The person making the reservation must be of legal age and is responsible for the veracity of the data entered.

Regardless of the maximum number of guests that the home can accommodate, during the period of stay, only the number of people listed on the reservation can stay in the home. To add any extra person to the reservation, the owner must be notified, authorized and the difference paid, when applicable.

8th ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY. -The Tenant will allow the Landlord or the persons designated by him to have access to the Property to verify proper compliance with the obligations provided for in this Contract, as well as to carry out any check or repair of facilities or common elements that occur through it. prior communication of these visits 24 hours in advance.

However, the Landlord may access the Property in situations of extreme urgency or need, and the greatest possible notice must be given depending on the circumstances that arise.

The client is informed that from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 15:00 our staff will access the pool and garden area on a weekly basis to carry out cleaning and maintenance tasks.

9th DELIVERY OF THE HOUSING. -At the end of this Contract, the client must vacate the Property in the same conditions of state, hygiene, operation and cleanliness as at the beginning of their stay.

Failure to clean the Property at the time of delivery will entitle the Landlord to deduct the amount of €30.00 for each hour of cleaning that is necessary.

Likewise, at the end of this Contract, the Tenant must deliver to the Landlord all sets of keys to the Property that he or she has received. Failure to comply with this obligation will give the Lessor the right to claim the amount of €100.00.

The delay in the delivery of the Property on the agreed date and conditions will accrue daily compensation, not a substitute for damages, equivalent to double the agreed daily Rent until the date on which the eviction occurs. The payment of this amount will not imply the right of the Tenant to continue using the Property, nor will it in any way prevent the Landlord from exercising the actions it considers to achieve its eviction.

The amounts indicated in the preceding paragraphs may be claimed without prejudice to the Lessor's right to be compensated by the Lessee for any other damages caused.


10th USE AND RESPONSIBILITY. -The Tenant is strictly PROHIBITED:


• The possession of all types of animals in the Property, unless you have prior authorization.

• Smoking inside the Property.

• The installation in the Property of machinery or devices that, due to their noise, odors or vibrations, could cause inconvenience to the neighbors and/or occupants of adjacent properties or that are part, where appropriate, of the Community of Owners.

• The storage or possession of any type of explosive, flammable, unhealthy, harmful or dangerous substances or goods.

The Lessee will be responsible not only for his own acts but also for those committed by the occupants of the Property, both for the purposes of contractual resolution and for the obligation to compensate for any damages that may have been caused to the Lessor.

Failure to comply with any of these obligations will give the Lessor the right to terminate the Contract, making the amount received as Reserve, Deposit and/or Rent its own.

11th WORKS. -The Tenant may not carry out works on the Property or its facilities without the prior express written authorization of the Landlord. Failure to comply with this obligation will give rise to the automatic and automatic termination of the Contract. At the end of the lease, the Landlord may choose between requiring the Tenant to remove the works carried out, or for them to remain for the benefit of the Property, without compensation or compensation in any of the cases.

The repairs that are necessary to keep the home in habitable conditions to serve the agreed use, will be at the expense and expense of the Lessor, except for maintenance due to use, deterioration or defects that are attributable to the Lessee. The carrying out of works by the Landlord on the Property will not give the Tenant the right to demand compensation or compensation of any kind.

12th RESOLUTION OF THE CONTRACT. - Failure by any of the Parties to comply with the obligations contracted in this Contract will give the other the right to choose to demand compliance or to request the termination of the Contract, in both cases with the corresponding compensation for damages and losses (without prejudice to the subsisting of the obligation to comply, in case of opting for its requirement).

In particular, the following will be considered causes for termination that will entitle the Lessor to request full termination of the contract:

• Non-payment of Rent or any other amount resulting from this Contract.

• Non-compliance by the Tenant with the use or destination of the Property.

• The assignment of the contract or the sublease of the Property without prior express written authorization of the Landlord.

• Any other breach of the Lessee's obligations resulting from this Agreement.

In no case will it be mandatory to make a prior requirement for compliance, nor can the passage of time be interpreted as a waiver by the Lessor to exercise the rights and/or actions that correspond to it under the Contract.

13th MODIFICATIONS. -In case of force majeure, we reserve the right to change the home for one with similar or superior characteristics to the one contracted by the client. These changes will have no cost to the client.

14th CANCELLATION. -In the event of a cancellation request by the client, the cancellation policy established on the website through which the client has formalized their reservation will apply.

15th CLAIMS. -There are complaint forms available to the client in our offices.

16th DATA PROTECTION. -In compliance with Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, on data protection, we inform you that the personal data of this contract, both of the signatories of the same, and of the legal representative of the client, will be used for the purpose to meet the obligations contained in this contract, as well as its internal use for the provision of commercial services related to the service, for the duration of the contractual and commercial relationship maintained, without prejudice to the possibility of exercising its rights at any time. as interested party, described below, or withdraw consent, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on consent prior to its withdrawal.

Consequently, by signing this document you authorize the transfer of your data to the lessor, which will process the personal data of the lessee under a co-responsibility regime.


The lessee is informed that the person responsible for the Data Processing is EL RONDAGUEL S.L. (B-38480885), which is hereby authorized to transfer data to the commercial entity ELRON VILLAS & LUXURY S.L.U. (B-76820158). In this regard, it is reported that both commercial entities have signed a co-responsibility agreement because they jointly decide the purposes and means for the development of this activity. By virtue of said agreement, ELRON VILLAS & LUXURY S.L.U. will be responsible for any possible responsibilities that may arise as a result of the data management it carries out.

For the exercise of rights, the lessor's own address indicated in this contract, as well as the telephone number: 922 782 789 and Email: rentals@elrondaguel.es, have been designated as a means of contact.

The data will only be used to meet the fulfillment of contractual obligations and for the preparation of subsequent budgets, for billing and collection. The data provided will be kept as long as the contractual relationship is maintained or for as long as necessary to comply with legal obligations and address possible responsibilities that may arise from fulfilling the purpose for which the data was collected. The data will not be transferred to third parties unless there is a legal obligation or unless you expressly authorize us to do so.

The tenant is informed of the rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation and portability, which she has under the current regulations on data protection, for the exercise of which she may contact either of the two data controllers, attaching copy of your ID or equivalent document.

If the tenant considers that she has not obtained full satisfaction in the exercise of her rights, she may file a claim with the national control authority by contacting the Spanish Data Protection Agency, C/ Jorge Juan, 6, 28001, Madrid. .

17th AUTHORIZATION OF PROMOTIONAL COMMUNICATIONS. - The client authorizes us to send commercial communications about our products and services. If you do not wish to receive our information, please contact us by sending an email to rentals@elrondaguel.es

18th APPLICABLE LAW. FUERO. -This contract will be governed and interpreted first and foremost by the provisions contained in the Contract itself. Furthermore, and even though it would be excluded from the application of Law 29/1994, of November 24, on Urban Leases ("LAU") in accordance with the provisions of its Art. 5.e), the parties state his will that this contract be completed, in what is not established therein and in what is not contradictory with it, by the provisions of Title III of the LAU.

The Parties, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them by law, expressly submit to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of the judicial district where the Property is located, the resolution of any controversy or claim that may arise with respect to the interpretation or execution of the Contract, including those referring to non-contractual obligations arising from or related to it.

19th SECURITY. - We recommend always maintaining security during your stay.
The house has a safe. The accommodation will not be responsible for losses or theft inside or outside it. We recommend always leaving blinds, bars, doors and windows closed at night and while you are away from the home.


Under the provisions of Organic Law 3/2,018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, as well as in Community Regulation 2016/679, you are informed that in the property subject to lease There is a system of video surveillance cameras, and you are also informed:

I.That the facility has a surveillance system installed using cameras located in the exterior area of ​​the home and garage to guarantee the safety of workers, clients, users and all those who come inside the company facilities.

II. That the information obtained and stored through the recording system will be used exclusively for the purposes of prevention, security and protection of people and property found in the establishment or facility subject to protection. The purpose of this system is to protect the property and its occupants against unauthorized access by strangers, thus preventing the commission of crimes against people or property existing in the property.

III. That the above information is subject to the rights recognized by Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, as well as its implementing legislation.

IV. It is also stated that the companies “ABYMATIC SISTEMAS, S.L.”, holder of CIF B-83.971.614, as the alarm receiving center, and the entity “DASEGUR CANARIAS, S.L.”, with CIF will also have access to the images. B-01700939, as a security system maintenance company.

V. ELRONDAGUEL S.L., with CIF B38480885, and address at Calle La Botavara nº 7, Ofic., Postal Code 38670, Adeje, Spain, is the Responsible for the processing of the personal data of the Interested Party and informs you that these data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of April 27 (GDPR), and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5 (LOPDGDD).

In accordance with the provisions of 22 of the Organic Law on Data Protection ELRON VILLAS & LUXURY S.L.U. carries out image processing through camera or video camera systems in order to preserve the safety of people and property, as well as its facilities. It is hereby informed that

Images of public roads may only be captured to the extent that it is essential for the purpose mentioned in the previous section. However, it will be possible to capture public roads to a greater extent when necessary to guarantee the security of strategic assets or facilities or infrastructure linked to transport, without in any case implying the capture of images of the interior of a home. private.

The data will be deleted within a maximum period of one month from its collection, except when it has to be kept to prove the commission of acts that threaten the integrity of people, property or facilities. In this case, the images must be made available to the competent authority within a maximum period of seventy-two hours from when the existence of the recording became known.

The blocking obligation provided for in article 32 of this organic law will not apply to these treatments.

The duty of information provided for in article 12 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 will be understood to be fulfilled by placing an information device in a sufficiently visible place identifying, at least, the existence of the treatment, the identity of the person responsible and the possibility of exercising the rights provided for in articles 15 to 22 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679. A connection code or internet address to this information may also be included in the information device.


It is reported that the home has an alarm system, managed by ELRON VILLAS & LUXURY S.L.U., whose operation is subject to the provisions of Order INT/316/2011, of February 1, on the operation of alarm systems in the area. of private security. However, it is only operational during periods of inactivity in the operation of the property, that is, before and after the lease period. Consequently, the Tenant has no possibility of manipulating the alarm, since it will remain deactivated during their stay.



 The house has 480 V photovoltaic panels installed outside it, in an area far from the passable area which is delimited by a fence preventing access to it. Likewise, this area has prohibitive signs in which customers are informed that ACCESS to this area is strictly PROHIBITED due to both electrical risk and mortal risk. In the event of an accident, the company is not responsible for it.


1. Includes the homes: VV-38-4-0088647, VV-38-4-0098840.

2. Includes the homes: A-38-4-0004925, A-38-4-0004921, A-38-4-0004922, A-38-4-0004923, A-38-4-0004924, A-38- 4-0004914, A-38-4-0004917, A-38-4-0004918, A-38-4-0004916, VV-38-4-0088647, VV-38-4-0098840 A-38-4-0004926.

3. Includes the homes: VV-38-4-0098840.

EMERGENCY AND HEALTH.- The home has a fire extinguisher and first aid kit. Its use without valid justification may entail a fine of up to €90.00 borne by the client.


Telephones of interest:
Emergencies: 112
National Police: 091


NOISE.- In compliance with Municipal Ordinances and in order to comply with and ensure the common well-being, it is reported that the loudspeakers will remain deactivated between 11:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. Applicable to housing VV-38-4-0088647.



POOL AIR CONDITIONING. If your home has a private pool, you can request the heated pool for a supplement of €40.00 per day, minimum 5 days. From the moment the air conditioning motor is turned on and depending on the outside temperature, the pool usually takes between 24 - 48 hours to heat up. For safety and in reference to Royal Decree 909/2001, of July 27, which establishes the hygienic-sanitary criteria for the prevention and control of legionella, the temperature of the pool may not exceed 26 degrees.

AIR CONDITIONING/HEATING: If your home has air conditioning or heating, you can contract its use. The price of this service is €40.00/day.

CLEANING: Upon request and availability, we have a general cleaning service during your stay. Price subject to budget.

CRIBS AND HIGH CHAIRS: Upon request and availability, we provide cribs and high chairs for babies at no cost.

ANIMALS: Upon prior request, we may accept the reception of animals in the home as long as the basic cleanliness and hygiene conditions within the home are met.

21nd ENVIRONMENT.- Below we give you a series of basic tips related to awareness and care of the environment: Turn off lights and appliances while you are away from the home, do not use them and after Check Out. Recycle. Reduce unnecessary water consumption. Reuse plastic bags. Do not flush toilet paper down the toilet. The world belongs to everyone and taking care of it is in our hands, let's do it!


We hope your stay is pleasant and you enjoy your vacation in this corner of Tenerife!